According to Ayurveda, Joint pain is caused by the aggravation of vata dosha. The root cause for the same can be very different and so are their treatments. Joint pain may manifest in various ways like swollen joints in particular parts of the body or all joints of the body. At times there may not be any swelling but immense pain followed by joint movement, whereas in other cases pain and swelling may reduce after movement, as in Amavata.
Joint pain may even be limited to specific joints such as backache, lower backache, painful knee joints, problems with intervertebral disc, spondylitis, etc. All these conditions are basically classified into two types: 1) Degenerative changes (Dhatukshayjanya) 2) Avrodhaatmak (Ama or rakta dushti janya) and these conditions need to be treated in exactly the opposite way.
At Seven, We first classify the type of joint pain, and accordingly prescribe medicines and local therapies like Janu basti, Pinda sweda, patra pottali, Basti therapy, etc.