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A woman undergoes a huge physical and mental stress during labor, which leads to massive vitiation of Vata dosha and Dhatu kshaya or weakness. According to Ayurveda, a woman is termed as “Sutika” in her postpartum period. She should follow some rules and regulations for betterment of her and her baby’s health for next 1.5 mths. The post partum regimen helps the mother to regain her lost energy, rectify her hormonal imbalance issues and also pacifies the vitiated vata dosha. The suggested lifestyle and dietary modifications helps to bring the uterus to normal position, and nourishes all the body tissues, boosts lactation and also creates healthy mother and baby bonds.
At “Seven”, We make our patients aware about the daily regimen like Abhyanga, Dhoopan, etc. along with dietary regimen like specific additions of ghee, garlic, fenugreek, etc and some beneficial recipes according to her prakriti, mode of labor i.e. normal or caesarean, other ailments if any.
Medicines necessary for toning up the uterus, and to overcome the physical and mental stress, improve lactation, and to restore the health are prescribed. The mother is also guided for the care of the newborn.
Following Sutika Paricharya (Diet, rest and other procedures) helps you keep physically fit. Negligence of the same causes vata disorders like backache, joint pain in the long run.
Belly binding and Dhoopan disinfects the vaginal area and also pacifies vata, thus helping you to get back to your perfect figure.
Liberal use of Ghee is advised in Sutika paricharya to make up for the degeneration of dhatus.