Home > Treatments > Weight Management > Obesity
Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat.
Indulgence into junk food, sedentary lifestyle, lack of worries, No exercise, untimely meals, overeating are some of the causes of obesity.
Excess Weight can have adverse effects on overall health and vital organs. Obesity can also have an impact on Mental health, which includes lowered Self esteem, depression,and issues with looks. So arises the need for Weight Loss.
While going for a weight loss program one should focus on correct diet, dietary habits, and exercise. Weight loss should not always be measured with numbers on the weighing scale but losing the excess stubborn fat is important.
At Seven we aim to correct the lifestyle and dietary habits, this ultimately corrects the body fat metabolism. Panchakarma therapies along with Medicines, regular exercise are advised, if necessary.